Bill Providing Relief To Flight Training Passed By California Assembly

August 26, 2011

Bill Providing Relief To Flight Training Passed By California Assembly

Yesterday, Senate Bill 619 (SB 619) was passed by the California Assembly by unanimous consent. The bill provides relief to many of the flight training facilities that were facing burdensome regulation from the California Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education. SB 619 was introduced by State Senator Jean Fuller, sponsored by the National Air Transportation Association and supported by many in the industry, including the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

SB 619 simply provides an exemption from the current law for any flight instruction provider or flight training program that meets the following two conditions:

  1. The provider or program does not require the student to enter into a contract of indebtedness, and
  2. The provider or program does not require the prepayment of instruction-related costs in excess of $2,500.

SB 619 was also amended in the California Assembly to insert an urgency provision. This urgency provision will cause SB 619 to become effective immediately upon signature of the California governor but also requires a two-thirds vote from each house of the legislature.

SB 619 must now go back to the California Senate for a concurrence vote, which is expected to occur by next Friday. In its original consideration, the Senate passed SB 619 unanimously. If passed again by the Senate, SB 619 will head to Governor Brown for his signature.

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