NATA and Conklin & de Decker to Hold Popular Tax Seminar

Eric R. Byer
Vice President, Government and Industry Affairs


Alexandria, VA – June 22, 2012 – The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and Conklin & de Decker Associates, Inc are pleased to announce that they will partner once again to offer the Commercial Operators Tax Seminar. This year’s Tax Seminar will be held in Scottsdale, Arizona, August 7-8, 2012. 

Unique from other tax seminars and workshops, the NATA and Conklin & de Decker tax seminar is the only seminar that is designed for the commercial operator and focuses on the current tax issues affecting aircraft charter and management companies.

Charter operators contend with a convoluted maze of Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs), as well as federal, state and local tax issues. Adding to the confusion is the additional tax complexity of Part 135 charter flying versus Part 91 owner flying. Who needs to pay tax on what charges and to whom are the taxes owed? How often are they paid and who collects? These are all questions for which simple answers are hard to find, so NATA and Conklin & de Decker put together this two-day seminar to cover it all.  

In addition, this seminar will look at the recent IRS Chief Counsel Advisory relating to the application of the commercial federal excise taxes to owner flights and management fees, and the operational control regulation (A008) and its impact on operators and owners.  

“Because the commercial operators tax seminar was designed with on-demand air charter operators in mind, it delivers the specific, timely information needed by the industry in a format that encourages interaction and discussion,” commented NATA Director of Regulatory Affairs Jacqueline Rosser.

Expert instructors deliver the information and tools necessary to enable aircraft operators to determine where taxes and fees apply and how to manage best tax compliance and the impact on company cash flow. 

This seminar is a must-attend for all commercial aircraft operators and management companies, whether they serve as the director of operations, CFO or controller. Owners and operators that have an aircraft on a Part 135 certificate or that are considering doing so will find this seminar beneficial to the future of their operation.

The seminar’s price is $995; however, if you register before July 7, 2012, the Early Bird price is $895. For more information about this seminar visit the NATA Web site at or contact Christine Preston at 928-443-8676 or, or visit the Conklin & de Decker Web site at

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NATA, the voice of aviation business, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies.