NATA and IFBOA Workers Compensation Insurance Programs Return Nearly $3 Million to Participating Members

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Shannon Chambers
Managing Director, Marketing & Communications


NATA and IFBOA Workers Compensation Insurance Programs Return Nearly $3 Million to Participating Members

Washington, DC, December 12, 2017 – The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) and the Independent Fixed Base Operators Association (IFBOA) announced today the distribution of approximately $3 million in good experience returns to workers compensation insurance program participants, bringing the total to over $10 million since 2011.

“We are pleased to offer two competitive workers compensation insurance programs that feature substantial financial returns to participants. The success of these programs depends in part on NATA’s safety training programs and events that help drive these good experience returns, creating additional value for members,” stated NATA Executive Vice President of Operations and Business Tim Obitts. “The success of these programs is predicated on the participants continuing to place safety first within their business culture.”

“Both programs were developed to reward safety performance with substantial year-end savings. Historically, program participants have received returns equal to or often greater than their annual membership dues,” added Jake Legere, IFBOA Manager of Membership.

“With over 750 combined participants, the programs continue to grow. Contributing to this growth is the strategic alliance between NATA and IFBOA. This member benefit is once again the industry leader in rewarding our members’ safe operating results,” added Obitts.

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The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has been the voice of aviation business for over 75 years. Representing nearly 2,300 aviation businesses, NATA’s member companies provide a broad range of services to general aviation, the airlines and the military and NATA serves as the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies. For more information about NATA, please visit, or