NATA Commends FAA Action to Block Evictions at Santa Monica Airport
Washington, DC, December 13, 2016 – Today, the Federal Aviation Administration issued an Interim Cease and Desist Order to the City of Santa Monica, California. The agency’s action comes in response to attempts by the City to evict two aeronautical service providers, including NATA member company Atlantic Aviation, currently operating at Santa Monica Municipal Airport (SMO). In September, NATA filed in support of Atlantic Aviation’s continuing operation at SMO stating, “Despite the significant investment and job creation of Atlantic at SMO, our member company finds itself being used as a catspaw in the City’s ongoing effort to close the airport in advance of the 2023 expiration of the current Grant Assurances.”
The following can be attributed to NATA President Martin H. Hiller:
“NATA thanks the FAA for its continuing diligence in this important matter. The agency’s action today is consistent with defending a regulatory structure that recognizes and preserves the integrity of airports, and encourages operational safety and healthy airport business. As the FAA noted today, the closure of SMO would create significant congestion of air navigation in the greater Los Angeles area and impose a significant burden on the flying public. The agency is asking all the right questions, including whether the City is making suitable space, on reasonable terms, available to all those willing and qualified to offer aeronautical services. While NATA respects a proprietor’s exclusive right to provide aeronautical services, the agency has correctly observed the City’s plans are, at best, nascent and thus any evictions would be tantamount to closing or highly restricting use of the airport. NATA continues to be confident the FAA’s investigation will support our views in this matter.”
NATA, the voice of aviation business for 75 years, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies.