NATA Commends Senate FAA Proposal, Acts in Best Bipartisan Traditions of Senate

NATA Commends Senate FAA Proposal, Acts in Best Bipartisan Traditions of Senate

Washington, DC, June 22, 2017 – The following is a statement by National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President Martin H. Hiller following today’s release by the Senate Commerce Committee of S.1405, the FAA Reauthorization Act of 2017, legislation authorizing the programs and activities of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The Commerce Committee is expected to consider the legislation the week of June 26th. Yesterday, NATA joined other general aviation associations in opposition to its House companion legislation, H.R.2997, the “21st Century AIRR Act.”

“The National Air Transportation Association commends Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-SD) and Ranking Member Bill Nelson (D-FL) for the development of an FAA reauthorization bill that all aviation stakeholders should support. The Thune/Nelson proposal builds upon prior work to produce legislation making the FAA a more efficient and effective agency. The Committee’s inclusion of NATA recommendations related to regulatory consistency will, for example, provide the aviation business community with the certainty it needs to continue to invest in jobs and equipment, particularly in rural America.

The Thune/Nelson bill is in the best bipartisan traditions of the United States Senate and we look forward to working with the Committee leadership toward its swift approval by the full Committee and entire Senate.”

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The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has been the voice of aviation business for over 75 years. Representing nearly 2,300 aviation businesses, NATA’s member companies provide a broad range of services to general aviation, the airlines and the military and NATA serves as the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies. For more information about NATA, please visit, or