Eric R. Byer
Vice President, Government and Industry Affairs
NATA Concerned With User Fee Proposal in FY 2010 Budget; Supports Funding Boost For NextGen
Alexandria, VA, February 27, 2009 — NATA President James K. Coyne expressed disappointment with language contained within the fiscal year (FY) 2010 budget that, beginning in 2011, would replace aviation excise taxes with direct user charges. The White House released its $3.55 trillion federal budget for FY 2010 yesterday.
“While the Bush Administration proposed a similar user fee, NATA is hopeful that Congress will reject the proposal as they’ve done previously,” stated Coyne. “I agree with House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman James Oberstar who said, ‘the current system of aviation excise taxes has proved to be a stable and efficient source of funding for our aviation system.’”
Coyne did praise the Obama Administration’s decision to include $800 million for the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) within the FY 2010 budget. NextGen is the FAA’s long-term effort to improve safety, efficiency, and capacity of the air traffic control system by transitioning from a ground-based radar surveillance system to a satellite-based surveillance system.
“Funding to improve the modernization of our nation’s air traffic system is essential to the future of air transportation,” Coyne said. “Modernizing our system benefits not only commercial and general aviation, but minimizes aviation’s impact on the environment.”