NATA Focuses on Additional Relief for Aviation Businesses

Today, Congress passed the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act (H.R. 266) intended to provide additional relief to Americans affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The House passed the bill after Senate consideration earlier this week and the President is expected to sign.

Most notably, the bill will provide an additional $380 billion for small businesses, primarily through the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). In many cases, NATA members are eligible to apply for assistance under the PPP, but the Association has been hearing of challenges with our members’ participation in this program.

“After passage of the CARES Act, NATA promptly provided guidance on the program specifics and the application process to our members, and have assisted members as they file. However, we are hearing stories of difficulties with the PPP and the Air Carrier Worker Support Program. NATA will continue to focus on helping our members pursue support under all programs for which they are eligible,” said NATA President and CEO Timothy Obitts.

“As Congress considers additional legislation related to the COVID-19 pandemic, NATA has already begun discussions with key policymakers regarding the need for additional support for our industry. By consistently engaging with our members, we have identified the most acute needs and intend to ask Congress to consider the integral role our industry plays in the American economy,” said Jonathon Freye, NATA Vice President of Government and Public Affairs.