NATA Negotiates Changes to CA Bills to Provide Relief to Flight Training

Membership Update
NATA Negotiates Changes to CA Bills to Provide Relief to Flight Training

With the California Legislative session quickly coming to a close, NATA is diligently working to get a bill to Governor Schwarzenegger that will provide a delay in compliance for flight training facilities from the regulations issued by the CA Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education. Currently, there are significant political issues, unrelated to flight training, that are playing a role in the ability to get a bill to and signed by the Governor.

NATA is in the process of negotiating an action that we hope will move us closer to having a bill signed.  Assemblyman Portantino and Assemblyman Neillo have agreed to move the contents of AB 1889 into AB 1140. This move will hopefully make the bill more likely to be signed by the Governor. The amended version of AB 1140 will contain the language from AB 1889 including a delay in compliance for flight training certified by the FAA until July 1, 2011, but will now also contain an urgency clause implementing the bill into law upon signature of the Governor.  The urgency clause was requested by the Administration in order to implement the flight training provisions immediately. 

There are still many hurdles to overcome in this process of negotiation, but NATA continues its efforts to get a policy measure through the Legislature that will get signed by Governor Schwarzenegger. 

Click here for a pdf of this release.

For More Information Please Contact:
Michael France
Director, Regulatory Affairs
(703) 845-9000