NATA Seeks to Recognize “FBOs: Above and Beyond” In New Initiative

Washington, DC, March 16, 2018 – Today, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) announced the “FBOs: Above and Beyond” initiative to highlight the extraordinary services provided by our Fixed Base Operator (FBO) members. NATA’s goal is to provide a well-rounded perspective on the FBO industry, directly from those with first-hand experience.

“NATA’s Fixed Base Operators are the gateway to communities nationwide and enter into public/private partnerships that generate billions of dollars of investments at general aviation and commercial airports throughout the United States and around the world. FBOs provide essential services to keep general aviation healthy, sustainable and successful — many going above the call. We would like to hear of these stories and share them with the public,” stated NATA President Martin H. Hiller.

“The goal of this effort is to work with our members and other industry stakeholders to inspire the general aviation community and the next generation of pilots, technicians and other aviation professionals,” added NATA Executive Vice President & General Counsel Timothy Obitts.

NATA wants to hear about:

  • Excellent customer service experiences
  • Disaster relief efforts
  • Charitable contributions and events
  • Community outreach and development
  • Aviation workforce development initiatives
  • Any other positive feedback

    NATA’s Fixed Base Operator members and their customers can share their stories of extraordinary service experiences and community outreach efforts at or by emailing