NATA Statement on Bipartisan, Bicameral FAA Reauthorization Bill

Washington, DC, April 30, 2024 – NATA (National Air Transportation Association) issued the following statement on the bipartisan, bicameral FAA Reauthorization bill text released Monday by the U.S. Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee and the U.S. House of Representatives Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.

“The pre-conference FAA Reauthorization bill released Monday marks another significant milestone toward meaningful, comprehensive FAA reform. NATA appreciates the diligent work of Senate Commerce and House Transportation Committee leadership to finalize a bicameral agreement, and asks Senate and House leaders to prioritize its final passage ahead of the May 10 expiration of FAA authorization. The bipartisan agreement between Senators Cantwell and Cruz and Representatives Graves and Larsen will provide much-needed direction on FAA modernization and efficiency, improving the safety of the National Airspace System and enabling more effective, timely interaction between regulators and aviation businesses,” said NATA President and CEO Curt Castagna.