NATA Statement on the 21st Century AIRR Act

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
Shannon Chambers
Managing Director, Marketing & Communications


National Air Transportation Association Statement on the 21st Century AIRR Act 

Washington, DC, June 21, 2017 – The following is a statement by National Air Transportation Association (NATA) President Martin H. Hiller following today’s release by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee of the 21st Century AIRR Act, legislation to create a privatized air traffic control corporation. The Committee is expected to consider the legislation the week of June 26.

“NATA is deeply appreciative of the courtesies shown to general aviation in the draft legislation developed by Chairman Shuster, including substantial input from general aviation supporter Representative Sam Graves. However, we have long made clear that supporting dramatic changes in the management of our nation’s air traffic control system would always be a high bar for the general aviation community. 

For that reason, we joined with other general aviation associations today in a position statement concluding the legislation, ‘while well-intended, will produce uncertainty and unintended consequences without achieving the desired outcomes.’ NATA continues to view the proposal as requiring general aviation and rural America to take an unnecessary leap of faith, including posing risks to stability of the world’s safest air traffic control system. We will continue to work in concert with other general aviation stakeholders toward legislation that we believe can benefit all Americans.”

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The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) has been the voice of aviation business for over 75 years. Representing nearly 2,300 aviation businesses, NATA’s member companies provide a broad range of services to general aviation, the airlines and the military and NATA serves as the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies. For more information about NATA, please visit, or

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