NATA Statement on Trump Administration FY2018 Budget Blueprint

NATA Statement on Trump Administration FY2018 Budget Blueprint

Washington, DC, March 16, 2017 – Today, the Trump Administration released a budget blueprint or “skinny budget” for Fiscal Year 2018, providing high level detail about the Administration’s proposals related to federal discretionary funding – 30 percent of all federal spending. The budget proposal reduces overall Department of Transportation funding by 13 percent and includes language outlining support for creating an air traffic control corporation.  Additional details, including proposals related to mandatory spending and tax policy, will be released later in the spring.

The following is a statement by National Air Transportation Association President Martin H. Hiller: 

“NATA is disappointed the budget blueprint contains language to explore corporatizing air traffic control. We believe Transportation Secretary Chao’s call during her confirmation hearing for national dialogue and consensus is a more appropriate way to approach this issue.

Separating air traffic control from the FAA simply poses too many leaps of faith. Building walls between the FAA’s safety functions and air traffic control responsibilities undermines the integrity of the world’s safest air traffic system. We will lose the momentum resulting from the current deployment of NextGen technology and the partnerships between the FAA and other government agencies. Finally, allowing airlines to establish the costs to operate in the air traffic control system risks investment in rural America and potentially forces general aviation out of the important airports and airways needed to connect the country.  

NATA will continue to work with the new Administration and Congress toward a more efficient FAA, with a priority on educating them about the risks posed by handing over our nation’s air traffic control system to special interests.”

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NATA, the voice of aviation business for more than 75 years, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies. 

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