NATA Statement on Trump Administration FY2019 Budget Blueprint

Washington, DC, February 12, 2018 – Today, the Trump Administration released a budget blueprint for Fiscal Year 2019, providing high level detail about the Administration’s proposals related to federal discretionary funding. The budget proposal calls for investment into rural America, but also includes language outlining support for creating an air traffic control corporation – an idea that has been met with the collective resistance of NATA and hundreds of other leading general aviation organizations.

The following is a statement by National Air Transportation Association President Martin H. Hiller: 

“Despite strong bipartisan opposition to the corporatization of our nation’s air traffic control system, the 2019 budget blueprint contains language shifting the air traffic control function away from the FAA to a corporation. NATA will continue to fight this existential threat to general aviation and the businesses that support this vital community – supporting more than one million jobs nationwide. The association will work with the Administration and Congress toward a more efficient FAA, with a priority on educating them about the risks posed by handing over our nation’s air traffic control system to special interests.”