NATA Unveils “No Corporation” Grassroots Campaign Against ATC Privatization
Washington, DC, February 5, 2016 – Today, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) launched a grassroots campaign in response to the House Transportation Committee’s FAA reauthorization proposal to establish a user fee-funded air traffic control corporation. The legislation — which poses a significant threat to the entire general aviation community — will be considered next Thursday, February 11, by the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
NATA created a special webpage — — providing additional information and easy steps general aviation businesses can take to contact their elected representatives in opposition to this proposal.
The following is a statement by National Air Transportation Association President and CEO Thomas L. Hendricks:
“The hour has rarely been graver for general aviation and we are calling on all aviation businesses to join us. Your immediate personal outreach to your elected representatives is critical to staving off the corporatization of ATC and the imposition of user fees on segments of general aviation. We want make it clear that industry insiders don’t get to decide the future of our nation’s air traffic control system.”