NATA Urges East Hampton Town Board to Reconsider and Repeal Restrictions on Aviation Businesses Operating at Airport

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
Shannon Chambers
Director, Marketing & Communications


NATA Urges East Hampton Town Board to Reconsider and Repeal Restrictions on 
Aviation Businesses Operating at Airport

Washington, DC, May 7, 2015 – The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) submitted a letter today to the East Hampton Town Supervisor Board urging it to reconsider and repeal its recently approved restrictions on the use of the airport.  The letter is in response to the Council’s May 7th hearing that will consider additional changes to the recently approved restrictions including the adoption of penalties.   

In March, NATA and other major general aviation associations submitted comments to the East Hampton Town Board in opposition to the town’s proposal to restrict operations at East Hampton Airport (HTO), and its related airport infrastructure plan. 

In the letter, NATA Senior Vice President for Government Affairs, Bill Deere, emphasized that the imposition and structure of the restrictions will have a detrimental impact on aviation businesses operating at the airport, including the loss of good paying jobs, and result in expensive litigation to the town, “While NATA understands the concerns that have led to the development of these restrictions, and the general aviation (GA) community shares the town’s desire to maintain a clean and quiet community of beaches and surrounding protected lands, the restrictions are nothing less than local job killers that are a serious violation of the federal regulations related to airport grant assurances.”

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NATA, the voice of aviation business, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies. For more information about NATA, please visit, or