NATF Announces Scholarship Recipients

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                                               FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
Shannon Chambers
Director, Marketing & Communications



Alexandria, VA, April 26, 2013 – The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF) is proud to announce the winners of its Dan L. Meisinger Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship and its Pioneers of Flight Scholarship.

NATF annually awards academic and flight training scholarships to assist outstanding candidates in the pursuit of careers in aviation service businesses.

Marcus Kaleb Phillips, a student at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg, is the recipient of the 2012 Dan L. Meisinger Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship. Marcus is currently pursuing a degree to become a professional pilot and will remain an active member of many aviation organizations. Marcus is excited to become a CFI and hopes to contribute to the advancements within the aviation field.

Whitney Brouwer, a student at LeTourneau University in Longview, Texas, and David Peck, a student at the Moody Bible Institute in Spokane, Washington, are the recipients of the 2012 Pioneers of Flight Scholarship. In addition to being a pilot, Whitney hopes to use her degree in Aircraft Systems with an Electrical Technology Concentration to combine knowledge and experiences that will assist in the design of easier avionics and cockpit displays. David will use his Mission Aviation Technology degree to join a team that provides humanitarian support to remote locations around the world. “By using general aviation,” states David, “I hope to better the world.”

“NATF received a record number of scholarship applications this year. It was a tough decision for our judges, but the winners this year are passionate aviators very deserving of these awards. We wish them the best of luck in the pursuit of their dreams,” said NATA Manager of Safety 1st Programs Elizabeth Nicholson.

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NATA, the voice of aviation business, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before Congress and the federal agencies.


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