O’Keefe and Key Government Officials Featured at NATA Aviation Business Roundtable

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                           FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT
Eric R. Byer
Vice President, Government and Industry Affairs



Alexandria, VA – November 14, 2012 — The National Air Transportation Association’s (NATA) annual Aviation Business Roundtable once again brought key executives in the industry together with some of the most influential decision makers in Washington, D.C. The two-day event (November 12-13) consisted of high-level meetings to discuss critical financial and political issues affecting the aviation business community.

Highlights from the 2012 Aviation Business Roundtable included a:

  • Luncheon with an opening speech by EADS North America Chairman of the Board and CEO Sean O’Keefe.
  • General Aviation panel discussion with Ed Bolen, President and CEO, National Business Aviation Association, Pete Bunce, President and CEO, General Aircraft Manufacturers Association, Craig Fuller, President and CEO, Aircraft Owners & Pilots Association, and Chuck Suma, Senior Vice President, Global Asset Management, NetJets, Inc.
  • 2012 election analysis with Rob Chamberlin, Executive Vice President and Business Development Director, McBee Strategic, and Sam Whitehorn, Executive Vice President and Recruiting & Hiring Director, McBee Strategic.
  • Reception and dinner featuring legendary athlete and aviation business owner Bruce Jenner.
  • Transportation Security Administration roundtable with The Honorable John S. Pistole, Administrator.
  • National Transportation Safety Board roundtable with The Honorable Deborah A.P. Hersman, Chairman, and The Honorable Robert L. Sumwalt, Member.
  • Federal Aviation Administration roundtable with The Honorable Michael P. Huerta, Acting Administrator.

“This time each year, NATA assembles panels and presenters to help us understand the most important issues that our industry faces,” stated NATA President and CEO Thomas L. Hendricks. “From leaders on Capitol Hill to experts within our own industry, this year’s Roundtable provided a robust platform for our members to learn the latest economic, political, security and legislative issues that will affect their businesses in 2013 and beyond.”

Please click here to view the 2012 Aviation Business Roundtable program.

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NATA, the voice of aviation business, is the public policy group representing the interests of aviation businesses before the Congress and federal agencies.

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