Legislative Update: Ramp Amendment Halted in House of Representatives

Back NATA News / July 18, 2023

Your voice is powerful! Thanks in part to NATA member engagement with elected officials, the Obernolte-Cartwright Amendment on transient aircraft parking has been halted in the House of Representatives for now.

The transient ramp mandate was NOT included in the House Rules package, which specifies amendments to be considered on the House floor. (Other amendments that NATA opposed on noise, privatized ATC, restricting public charter, and banning 100LL were also halted by House Rules Committee.)

Some procedural steps remain before the House votes tomorrow on final passage of its FAA Reauthorization bill, H.R. 3934. However, NATA is pleased that bill is poised to retain its focus on consensus policies to improve the safety, security, innovation, and efficiency of the NAS.

Much attention will now shift back to the Senate Commerce Committee, where a similar amendment has been sponsored by Sen. Budd (R, NC). The Senate has not finalized a date for committee mark-up, but it could come at any time.

NATA will continue to fight these efforts to favor one class of aviation user at the expense of airports, aviation businesses, and 135 operators. Your partnership is crucial to our efforts.