Jumpstart Your Career
The National Air Transportation Foundation (NATF), the research and educational arm of the National Air Transportation Association (NATA), offers several categories of scholarships in the areas of flight training, college education, and continuing education. Click on each scholarship link to apply and learn more about respective qualifications, details, and due dates. All scholarships are awarded annually.
Dan L. Meisinger Sr. Memorial Learn to Fly Scholarship
Granted to an initial or primary flight training student currently enrolled in an aviation program.
NATA Business Scholarship
Granted to a NATA member company employee enrolled in a continuing education program for career advancement in general aviation.
Navigate Your Future Scholarship
Granted to a graduating high school senior enrolled/accepted into an aviation-related program at an accredited college or university.
Pioneers of Flight Scholarship
Granted to college students in their sophomore or junior year who are enrolled in a full-time aviation degree program at an accredited four-year college or university.
Richard L. Taylor Flight Training Scholarship
Granted to a college student, currently holding a private pilot’s license, who is enrolled in a flight program through an accredited college/university with aspirations to become a pilot.

Fuel the Future of Aviation
NATF’s scholarships and efforts are made possible by donations. Make your contribution today and make a difference in a student’s education.
Scholarship Rules and Guidelines
NATA scholarships are for domestic applicants only. Recipients are selected by the scholarship selection committee on the basis of academic record, recommendation letter(s), and a statement of educational and career goals.
In principle and in practice, NATF values and seeks diverse and inclusive participation from the aviation business community. NATF promotes involvement and expanded access to leadership opportunities regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, nationality, cultural identity, disability, appearance, geographic location, professional level, political views, or affiliations.
If you don’t qualify for any of our scholarships listed above or you would like to view additional opportunities, please visit the University Aviation Association and/or Cappex. Good luck!