Hawthorn Hill, LLC

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Hawthorn Hill, LLC


Hawthorn Hill, LLC provides expert guidance and support on aviation security matters.

With decades of federal government experience in Homeland Security, aviation security, and compliance, the team is poised to help new entrants navigate the existing regulatory landscape as well as prepare for new policies and challenges of the future.

Whether you are an aircraft or airport operator, we can help you navigate the TSA security regulations and programs. Hawthorn Hill takes a wholistic approach that includes a review of programs, policies, and operations while balancing security needs with a business model geared for success.

NATA members can receive customized assistance with a variety of topics including:

- Development and maintenance of required security programs
- Preparation and response for new and proposed regulatory requirements
- Preparation for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) inspections
- Responding to TSA Letters of Investigation (LOI) and civil penalty actions
- Understanding the perks and pitfalls of changing or adding certain operational capabilities
- Various options for physical security protection, Insider Threat awareness, and more

Members that take advantage of this opportunity early will also benefit from discounted pricing. Contact NATA below to arrange for a free initial consult to determine your needs and answer any questions you may have.

Contact Information

9100 Royal Court Partlow, VA 22534
Zip/Post Code
