NATA Executive Legislative Briefing: Update on COVID Stimulus Legislation

Back NATA News / December 2, 2020

December 2, 2020

Dear Aviation Business Professional:

As you may have seen, discussions have restarted this week on Capitol Hill regarding another round of COVID stimulus legislation. While there are indeed bipartisan discussions – including a $900 billion bipartisan proposal in the Senate – Republican and Democratic leadership in both chambers have not substantially changed their posture on the overall framework for relief they are respectively seeking.

Over the past week, a small but bipartisan group of senators composed a plan totaling just over $900 billion and provided some details about it early this week. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said yesterday that proposal was a waste of time, and that any additional COVID relief would need to come as part of a broader government funding package prior to the December 11th funding deadline. It is important to note that they have yet to release an actual legislative draft, but a framework of the plan has been provided as a discussion piece that includes $47 billion for transportation. In addition, none of NATA’s friends at the key policy writing committees were consulted during the composition of this plan and do not have any additional insight into how that money would be broken down. However, a number of Capitol Hill journalists, apparently having talked with staffers from the sponsoring offices are reporting that over the $47 billion for transportation, $17 billion would be “for airlines” and $4 billion would be “for airports.” Again, as of this time, we have no further details as to what that means. This is all to say that while the inclusion of additional aviation aid in this package shows that our lobbying efforts are working, this particular proposal faces strong headwinds.

Late yesterday, Leader McConnell unveiled his own stimulus framework which Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said the President supports. That proposal would continue the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), which many NATA members were eligible for and successfully obtained, but does not appear to contain any aviation-related aid. As proposed, the bill would be a nonstarter with Senate and House Democratic leadership. However, it is being reported that Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi sent a counter offer back to Republicans.

At this time, it appears McConnell may be procedurally correct: time is running short to finish the appropriations process by December 11th. Any further COVID stimulus may need to hitch a ride on a must-pass funding bill to have a chance at passage, but of course, that would require a deal to be struck first. As always, NATA continues to be directly engaged with Capitol Hill and will keep you posted of developments.

Thank you,


Timothy Obitts
President & CEO
National Air Transportation Association 

Jonathon Freye
VP, Government and Public Affairs
National Air Transportation Association