“Regulations adopted (in Nov of 2011) by the Federal Civil Aviation Agency in Mexico (Agencia Federal de Aviacion Civil – AFAC) mandate certain fixed-wing turbine aircraft, based on the number of passenger seats (excluding crew seats), or fixed-wing turbine aircraft with MTOW that falls within the published rule, including cargo aircraft and aircraft operating under Part 91 with a Mexican registration to carry certain flight data recorders. Foreign air carriers with Mexican authorization also need to comply, but foreign operators (non-Mexican registration) under Part 91 do not” (for full context refer to Page 18 of Avionics News in the July 2021 issue). The deadline for 100% fleet compliance for specified aircraft is December 31, 2022.
FDR Type requirements, affected aircraft, and a complete list of compliance dates are outlined in the above referenced article as well as the source document – Official Mexican STANDARD NOM-022-SCT3-2011. Some of the affected aircraft language in the source document contains recommendations while others are mandatory. Flight planning and trip support providers often maintain strong contacts with international resources and may be of assistance in determining compliance status for your aircraft.
The Official Mexican STANDARD NOM-022-SCT3-2011 site can be translated to English using Google Translate as illustrated in the screen shots below: