NATA Writes IRS for Guidance on Part 135 FET Relief

Back NATA News / July 13, 2020

NATA submitted a letter to the IRS to request clarification on the suspension of air transportation excise tax under I.R.C. §§ 4261 and 4271 on amounts paid between March 28, 2020, and December 31, 2020, for transportation by air of persons or property as it relates to Part 135. NATA requested clarification that flight hours purchased through a “travel card” or “jet card” and funds placed on account are recognized as amounts actually paid for air transportation during the excise tax holiday. Under this interpretation, these advance purchases would not be subject to the air transportation excise tax under I.R.C. §§ 4261 and 4271, even though the transportation may not occur until after the excise tax holiday. NATA will keep you informed.