Safety 1st Alert – A4A Bulletin: Mandatory Emergency Actions for Filter Monitor Vessels/Elements

Back NATA News / October 7, 2023

On October 6, 2023, Airlines for America (A4A), publishers of Spec 103 – Standard for Jet Fuel Quality Control at Airports (ATA 103), issued Bulletin 2023.2 – Mandatory Emergency Actions for Filter Monitor Vessels/Elements. 

The bulletin calls for the immediate implementation of 8 emergency actions where Filter Monitors are used and comes after Facet Filters failed secondary ICP Copper Testing, which is used to detect downstream SAP (super absorbent polymer) migration (see NATA Safety 1st Alert SFA_2023.1). 

The eight emergency actions are summarized below with the full bulletin available here. These actions are mandatory for all into-plan refueling operations that operate to the ATA 103 standard. While many operators at general aviation airports have not formally adopted the ATA 103 standard, it is recommended that all into-plane refueling operators implement these actions immediately:

ACTION 1: All Facet Brand Filter Monitor Elements Shall Be Replaced by Other Listed Elements as Soon as Practicable and Filter Monitor Elements are Limited to Those Listed in ATA 103 Annex A-3. Although the requirement to remove Facet-brand filter monitors applies immediately, it will take time to order and replace all Facet filter monitor elements. Filter monitors shall not be operated outside the limits and requirements in ATA 103 and all those outlined in this bulletin. However, all Facet filter monitors shall be removed from service no later than January 1, 2024. 

ACTION 2: Filter Monitor Differential Pressure Limit Lowered to 10psi. 

ACTION 3: Filter Monitor Differential Pressure Shall be Corrected to Max Flow Rate Daily. 

ACTION 4: Filter Monitor Differential Pressure Gauges Shall Include Visual Guides – DP gauges must be visibly marked to indicate the 10psi maximum DP. 

ACTION 5: Filter Monitor Vessels Shall Include Visual Guides – will require additional markings on filter vessels that contain filter monitor elements to alert operator that fueling equipment contains filter monitors. 

ACTION 6: Filter Monitor Inventory Lists will require all into-plane operators to maintain an up-to-date master list of fueling equipment fitted with monitor filters.  

ACTION 7: Nozzle Screen Cleaning Increased to Bi-Weekly. 

ACTION 8: Add Requirement for Downstream Millipore Testing when Filter Monitor Vessels Reach Maximum Differential Pressure (10psi). 

For more information or for additional questions please contact NATA at