Safety Alert for Operators – SAFO 23002, Aviation Safety Call to Action

Back NATA News / March 22, 2023

Today, the FAA issued a SAFO informing the aviation community that several highly visible and notable recent events demonstrate the need for continued vigilance and attention to mitigation of safety risks. This SAFO applies to all aircraft operations conducted under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations (14 CFR) Parts 91, 91 subpart K (Part 91K), 121, 125, 129, and 135.

In recent months, a number of notable and high visibility events have occurred in the National Airspace System (NAS). The SAFO recommends Directors of Operations, Chief Pilots, Directors of Training, Check Airmen, Directors of Safety, Program Managers, Pilots and Operators consider taking additional outlined steps to ensure operations are conducted at the highest level of safety. Read SAFO.