NFPA 407 Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing

FAA Enforcement of 2017 NFPA 407 at Certificated Part 139 Airports

NATA, in conjunction with ACI-NA and AAAE, has been in communication with the FAA-Office of Airports, Safety and Standards Division regarding enforcement of the 2017 NFPA 407- Standard for Aircraft Fuel Servicing, section 5.1.12.

Section 5.1.12 calls for all new and existing airport fuel loading racks to be equipped with automatic shut off systems that are compatible with the mobile refuelers by June 2, 2021.

The FAA has issued policy guidance to all Airport Certification Safety Inspectors (ACSI) outlining the following process for determining compliance with section 5.1.12:

  1. ACSIs will be working with airports to confirm the fueling standard adopted in the Airport Certification Manual (ACM) for each Part 139 airport.
  2. ACSIs will work with Part 139 airports to determine what standard is enforced at the airport (usually found in the Airport Compliance Manual (ACM). Airports that have adopted the 2017 edition of NFPA 407 and are not in compliance with section 5.1.12 will be issued a compliance letter and be required to come into compliance as soon as practical but no later than December 2, 2022 (this date may be modified, pending NFPA Standards Council acceptance of TIA 1610).
  3. A Letter of Investigation shall be issued for any airports that have not come into compliance by December 2, 2022.

The FAA has acknowledged that the above policy guidance will not be enforced at Part 139 airports that have adopted standards other than the 2017 revision of NFPA 407 in their current ACM.

Additionally, the FAA will accept modifications to the retroactive component of 5.1.12 that have been granted by the Authority Having Jurisdiction at Part 139 airports under the provisions of section 1.3.4 of the 2017 NFPA 407. Such acceptance is dependent on review of the justification for the modification, ensuring it meets the requirements of section 1.3.4.

NATA has prepared a letter of support for stakeholders to request a modification from their AHJ.

For additional information, contact Steve Berry, NATA’s Manager of Fuel Quality and Safety at