August 29, 2011
What’s at Issue
On August 12, 2011, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) issued a final rule regarding the hiring of former FAA personnel by certificated entities.
Why It’s Important
This final rule affects whom a certificated entity may hire to represent its interests before the FAA.
Major Provisions
This final rule prohibits entities performing operations under Title 14 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Parts 121, 125, 133, 135, 137, 141, 142, 145, 147 and subpart k of Part 91 from employing former FAA personnel, who had oversight responsibility of the operator, to represent that operator before the FAA for a period of two years. Specifically, a certificated operator may not:
“Knowingly employ or make a contractual arrangement which permits an individual to act as an agent or representative of the certificate holder in any matter before the Federal Aviation Administration if the individual, in the preceding 2 years—
(1) Served as, or was directly responsible for the oversight of a Flight Standards Service aviation safety inspector; and
(2) Had direct responsibility to inspect, or oversee the inspection of, the operations of the certificate holder.”
This final rule does not prohibit a certificate holder from employing former FAA personnel in a position that does not involve representing the certificate holder before the FAA.
NATA Position
NATA encourages all members impacted by this new limitation to review the regulations to ensure compliance.
This Final Rule is effective on October 21, 2011.
Staff Contact: Michael France
Director, Regulatory Affairs