Hendricks Addresses House GA Caucus Staff

Back NATA News / June 18, 2014

NATA President and CEO Tom Hendricks joined the CEOs of other major general aviation trade associations to brief staff of the House General Aviation Caucus on current aviation policy.  Hendricks explained to staff there are a number of general aviation associations, but only one, NATA, represents the broad array of aviation service businesses that are “a vital prerequisite for a vibrant GA sector.”

Hendricks proceeded to brief staff on security issues, noting that while facility security is important to NATA businesses, “our members also recognize the responsibility they have in protecting our nation’s overall security.”

Hendricks outlined the ever increasing partnership with the TSA and DHS highlighting NATA’s role in the DHS Aviation Security Advisory Committee and several examples of recent security rules that reflect TSA’s “evolving understanding of security risks and how to address them.”