Legislation Seeks to Standardize Training Programs of the TSA

Back Industry News / October 14, 2010

Legislation Seeks to Standardize Training Programs of the TSA

October 13, 2010

What’s At Issue
United States Senators Thomas Carper (D-DE) and Scott Brown (R-MA) introduced S. 3866, the Aviation Security Innovation & Reform (AIR) Act in order to standardize the training of the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) screening workforce by ensuring that every Transportation Security Officer receives increased baseline training nationwide and anti-terrorism training with annual re-certifications.

Why It’s Important
Sponsors of the bill assert that the AIR Act will enhance the safety of American airports by improving air passenger screening programs and strengthening state and local law enforcement partnerships to deter terrorism.

Major Provisions
The bill requires the development of an implementation plan for the training of Transportation Security Officers (TSOs) in order to ensure that training is standardized.   TSOs must complete an up-to-date technical training exam and training is mandatory for any officer using security screening equipment or device.   

In addition, the bill establishes an Office of Behavior Analysis to advise the TSA, federal, state and local government law enforcement agencies on behavior detection methods and best practices while providing behavior assessment training to law enforcement personnel to assist in preventing terrorist attacks on aviation. 

NATA Position
While most provisions of this bill would not directly impact NATA members, the association does support the overall goal of increasing standardization amongst TSOs and information sharing between federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

S. 3866 has been referred to the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation.  It is unlikely that the bill will be addressed by the Senate committee or the U.S. House of Representatives before the end of the year.  In that case, the bill would need to be re-introduced in next year’s legislative session in order to be voted upon by the Senate.

Click here to review S. 3866.

Click here to view in PDF format.                              

Staff Contacts:
Kristen Moore
Director, Legislative Affairs

Jacqueline Rosser
Director, Regulatory Affairs