Washington, DC, May 4, 2022 – The National Air Transportation Association was deeply saddened to learn of former DOT Secretary of Transportation Norman Y. Mineta’s passing and issued the following statement in tribute: “The Honorable Norman Y. Mineta will be remembered for his legendary character and countless achievements, but our members will never forget his steadfast leadership, sense of fairness, and accessibility throughout his entire service—especially during the profound period of uncertainty and change for transportation safety and security following 9/ll,” stated NATA President and CEO Timothy Obitts. “Secretary Mineta will also be known for his aptitude for working across party lines, dedication to making sound transportation policy a priority, and tireless advocacy for investment in our nation’s infrastructure during his long and storied tenure as both a member of Congress and a Cabinet member. A true friend to aviation and the traveling public, Secretary Mineta’s tenacity and commitment to safety resulted in some of the lowest accident rates in aviation history.” A staunch advocate for aviation, Secretary Mineta recognized the importance of congressional support of the FAA and the potential devastating effects of sequestration in the nation’s fiscal year 2013 budget. “If sequestration is not stopped, it will be by far the most devastating budget cut to the FAA in its 54 years,” he claimed. “Putting the agency at risk is incomprehensible.” “Norman Mineta lived the American dream, setting an example for all others to follow. We send our condolences to his family, colleagues, and friends,” added Obitts.