**NATA Special Notice**
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) yesterday released the following notice to airport operators and tenants on the status of Security Directive (SD) 1542-04-8F. NATA, along with other general aviation industry associations, has been working closely with the TSA to minimize the impact this SD has on the general aviation community since its release late last year. The compliance date for SD 1542-04-8F, which requires personnel who have access to the secure areas of commercial airports to undergo Security Threat Assessments and to be badged, has now been extended to June 1, 2009. NATA members affected by this SD should work closely with their Federal Security Directors (FSDs) and airport management to ensure they are in compliance by this new deadline. Many members have reported that FSDs and airports are working to identify alternative means of compliance, as provided within the SD, for general aviation entities affected by the SD, as appropriate. Members having compliance questions about this SD should contact Eric Byer on the NATA staff.
For Immediate Dissemination:
TO: Airport Operators & Airport Tenants
FR: Douglas Hofsass, TSA General Manager For Commercial Aviation
As you know, TSA has been working closely with AAAE and ACI on the implementation of SD 1542-04-8F. AAAE and ACI have been providing feedback and suggestions on your behalf since inception. Although TSA provided a fairly large lead time for section II.C, and while we understand that a number of airports have already indicated “compliance” with this section, we are also hearing that a large number of airports need additional time to reach compliance. Many of the airports requesting an extension have been working hard on this requirement for the past 4-6 weeks, but due to the size of the incremental population, reaching compliance by the current deadline is not feasible.
Rather than having a large number of individual airports go through their respective FSD’s and TSA Headquarters for individual extensions, we have made the decision that we will extend the compliance date for section II.C until June 1, 2009. This means that the current deadline for Cat X’s and Cat 1’s (which is currently March 1, 2009) and the current deadline for Cat 2’s, Cat 3’s, and Cat 4’s (which is currently April 30, 2009) will be extended until June 1, 2009. As a reminder, section II.C is the section which requires all employees who have unescorted access to the SIDA, Secure, and AOA areas of the airport to have an airport issued ID with an accompanying STA. TSA encourages airports to comply with section II.C sooner than June 1, 2009 if practicable. TSA is committed to providing permanent relief (under section II.M) to those airports who can establish compliance prior to June 1, 2009. As a reminder, TSA recently issued SD 1542-01-10G, which provides “name variance relief” for no-fly comparisons until June 1, 2009.
The extension for section II.C is not an extension for the entire SD. TSA will be issuing SD 1542-04-8G in the coming days, which will codify the new compliance dates for section II.C. As a reminder, TSA previously issued guidance exempting US Military and TSA Personnel from the STA requirement, which will also be codified in SD 1542-04-8G.