UK Delay in Promulgating Regulations

Back Industry News / July 14, 2009

July 14, 2009

Membership Update
EU Emissions Trading Scheme
U.K. Delay in Promulgating Regulations

The United Kingdom (UK) has announced that, due to delays in receiving a finalized aircraft operator-member state assignment list from the European Commission, it will have to delay the promulgation of regulations enforcing the Emissions Trading Scheme. This announcement affects only those operators assigned to the UK as their administering state.

The UK plans on publishing draft regulations by mid-July and then finalizing those regulations and presenting them to Parliament shortly after receiving the finalized operator assignment list from the European Commission. These finalized regulations will come into force 21 days after being submitted to Parliament.

Aircraft operators assigned to the UK will then have 8 weeks to finalize and submit their monitoring plans. NATA will advise its membership of the exact compliance dates for submission of monitoring plans once they become available.

Please note: This update only applies to operators assigned to the United Kingdom as their administering state.

The official UK Environment Agency update can be viewed here.

For more information, please contact:

Mike France
Manager, Regulatory Affairs

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