Urge Congress To Oppose Obama’s User Fee Proposal

Back Industry News / October 17, 2011



October 17, 2011

What’s at Issue
President Obama has proposed, as part of the administration’s economic growth and deficit reduction plan, a $100 per-flight “user fee” for commercial and general aviation flights that use the air traffic control system. 

Why It’s Important
The administration estimates that this user fee would raise roughly $11 billion over 10 years.  Private aircraft are being targeted because the administration believes those aircraft’s share of the costs are not equal to that of commercial air carriers as users of the air traffic control system. 

The aviation industry is united in opposing this proposal that would be detrimental to the general aviation industry, domestic manufacturing, small businesses, and our economic recovery.  The aviation industry alone employs nearly 1.3 million workers and contributes more than $1.2 trillion to the U.S. economy. 

What to Do
Contact your Members of Congress in both the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate today and request their opposition to this deficit reduction act proposal. NATA’s Legislative Action Center provides association members a quick, easy way to email letters directly to their Member of Congress. 

NATA Position
General aviation user fees have been proposed by various administrations, both Republican and Democrat, and the U.S. House of Representatives have repeatedly and overwhelmingly opposed them.  NATA has advocated for and Congress has supported the current system of aviation excise taxes, which are a stable, efficient, and equitable source of funding.  Industry has even advocated for an increase in aviation fuel taxes as a means to support further the aviation trust fund.  Per-flight user fees have crippled the general aviation industry in other countries, and the ramifications of such fees would be devastating in the U.S.

The Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction continually holds private meetings to discuss their proposal, which is to issue recommendations on how to cut the deficit by at least $1.5 trillion over 10 years.  The recommendation must then receive an up-or-down vote in Congress before December 23, 2011.


Staff Contact:    Kristen Moore
Director, Legislative Affairs

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