Operation Playbook Re-Launched / TSA Provides Talking Points & FAQs

Back Industry News / March 12, 2009


Earlier this week, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) re-launched Operation Playbook.  As NATA has reported previously, Operation Playbook, originally launched in late 2008 at commercial airports throughout the U.S., was an initiative wherein local TSA officials would include random security measures in their procedures, including physical screening and searches of passengers and baggage.  However, some local TSA officials incorporated these security measures at FBOs without any advance notice.  TSA Headquarters staff stated that the intent for utilizing “Playbook” security measures was to enable local TSA and FBO officials to coordinate a time where both entities can prepare and execute enhanced security measures.  Incidents at Nashville and other locations unfolded otherwise.

Today, TSA HQ issued a new white paper addressing questions about Operation Playbook.  Members are encouraged to review this white paper in preparation for potential Operation Playbook security measures at their airportPlease note that these security procedures are for commercial airports only.  

NATA members who believe that TSA officials are not working in good faith while implementing Operational Playbook security measures should contact NATA Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs Eric Byer immediately at ebyer@nata.aero.  Byer may also be reached directly at (703) 575-2043.