TSA Issues Guidance For Passenger Name Check SD

Back Industry News / May 13, 2010

Following a request from NATA, the TSA has released a special procedure for operators covered under the agency’s Twelve-Five Standard Security Program (TFSSP) and other similar programs to comply with a Security Directive (SD) published earlier this week. The SD in question deals with procedures for the timely checking of passenger names against government watch lists.  When originally published, the SD caused great concern amongst smaller carriers.  The alternative means of compliance released today provides covered operators with a method of compliance that better reflects the operations of smaller air carriers.

Operators with the TFSSP are urged to visit the program’s Internet Webboard and review the new guidance.  Those operators not covered by a TSA security program are not affected by the SD or the new guidance.

Please contact NATA Director of Regulatory Affairs Jacqueline Rosser with any questions.